I’m Terri and I’m your resident forager for the Wild Tastes at Carmichael Estate and Family Foraging Walk. My journey as a dedicated forager started with becoming a Remedial Massage Therapist and a desire to discover different plants that could be infused to make ointments and soothing, anti-inflammatory massage oils. Next came along a couple of children into the mix and my horizons broadened into discovering edible plants to nourish, nurture and heal my family. The past 14 years have been a journey of discovering lost knowledge, a passion for learning about our native plants and how to work with the body rather than drain it.
I believe there are so many foods that are right on our doorstep, that we literally see every day, that we can bring into our kitchens and meals. They are all packed with nutrients, far more than any grown for supermarkets. Any plants you find in the wild are the strongest, most resilient plants to have managed to grow in the spot they have chosen to, wonderful powerhouses of vitamins, minerals and pre/probiotics to nurture and nourish our bodies.
During these walks you will see that just by simply stepping into your garden, or into your local forest or green area, you can forage salads and greens to never need to buy that bag of rocket, watercress, or spinach again (except perhaps in winter!)
I invite you to come along to one of my walks during Foraging Fortnight so I can share with you my love of the land and all things green! (With a splash of spring colour and lots of nibbles along the way!). We will identify plants, their medicinal properties, and edible qualities, some folklore and also touch on some of the things to be careful of when starting out foraging.
Both walks are Introduction to Foraging walks suitable for novices or those just starting out.
More information will be on the website soon.
Image credit: Fraser Carmichael